
How to buy a RUMAWIP or Residensi Wilayah?

There is various ways to owning these value buy property. One usually goes to Residensi Wilayah website and apply for one. That is usually the way but if you have tried, you may know understand that you are usually having issues submitting all the right documents, always a few step behind in getting the right unit, don’t even understand how to apply at all and totally miss the launch! The question now...

10 Reasons First Time House Buyer Choose RUMAWIP

1) MUST BE 1ST TIME HOUSE BUYER - Unlike PR1MA condition, applicant or his/her spouse is allow to apply this as a second home, in other words it is wiser to choose a RUMAWIP over a PR1MA property given the choice when you purchase your first house. One can't purchase a RUMAWIP when applicant or spouse own a property. 2) All RUMAWIP property are usually comes a bare unit. That enable the you to be able to...

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