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Residensi Wilayah Application Manual

Apply Residensi Wilayah


Residensi Wilayah Portal

User Manual 1

CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………….. ………………………………………….. … 2


3. APPLICANT PROFILE / PROFILE UPDATE ……………………………………. ………… 7

3.1. Personal …………………………………………. ………………………………………….. …….. 8

3.2. Occupation …………………………………………. ………………………………………….. … 10

3.3. Couple …………………………………………. ………………………………………….. … 12

3.4. Couples Work ………………………………………… ………………………………. 13

3.5. Children …………………………………………. ………………………………………….. ………… 15

3.6. Property Details ………………………………………… …………………………………………. 17

3.8. Validation …………………………………………. …………………………………………. 18

4. PROJECT APPLICATION ………………………………………. ………………………………. 19

4.1. Project Screening ………………………………………… ………………………………………. 20

4.2. Apply for a Project ………………………………………. .. ………………………………………… 21

5. DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTS ………………………………………. …………………………… 23

1. INTRODUCTION a. Residency Territories are a government entity below Ministry of Federal Territories in charge of provides online services for home applications in the vicinity Federal Territory.

b. The main users of this portal are the general public regulated by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) and Ministry of Federal Territories (KWP) for supply works and reporting.

c. The following is an overview of the Residensi Wilayah Portal interface after you are browsing the website


a. Browse the Regional Residence Portal by entering the following URL address in a web browser: b. At the top right of the portal page, click the ‘Register’ button or click thebutton ‘Register Account’ in the middle right of the portal page.

c. After reading the guidelines and eligibility requirements, click the ‘I Am Eligible’ button’

d. On the account registration form page, in the ‘Eligibility’ section, tap on the ‘I have read and agree to the terms’ box mentioned above. I confirm that I meet all Eligibility Requirements set by the Residensi Wilayah ‘.

e. On the account registration form, in box No. Identity Card (New) try enter an identity card number that exceeds 12 characters.

f. On the next page, fill in the required information completely use the example information below and click the Register button.

i. No. Identity Card: 86116XXXXXX

ii. Password: abcd1234@

iii. Repeat password: abcd1234@

iv. Citizenship: Citizen. v. Email:

vi. Marital Status: Married (if any)

vii. Gross Household Income: 20000 viii. Residence Postcode: 09300

ix. Workplace Postcode: 09300

x. Click Subscribe for news related to Regional Residence (if necessary)

g. Once the Register button is pressed, if the registration is successful, you will be taken to a personal profile account.

h. In the user account view, click the icon at the top right of your screen and click Log Out. i. To return to the main page, click the Sign In button at the top right of your screen or click “Sign In” in the center right of the screen.

h. In the user account view, click the icon at the top right of your screen and click Log Out. i. To return to the main page, click the Sign In button at the top right of your screen or click “Sign In” in the center right of the screen.

j. Select Applicant, enter identity card number and password that you use during registration in the box provided. Click Login.


a. Browse the Residensi Wilayah Portal by entering the following URL address in a web browser:

b. Click sign in.

c. On the login page, users are required to enter identity card number and Password that have been set during registration and press login.

d. The User Profile view is displayed.

e. Click on the applicant’s profile in the menu on the right.

3.1. Profile

a. Fill in all the required information. If there is a * symbol on profile filling field, you MUST fill in the information (MANDATORY). However, if the * sign is not displayed, you are allowed to clear that information otherwise concerned.

b. By default information such as Identity Card No., Date of Birth, age and the postcode was filled in automatically through the system. Although however you can still amend the information except No Identification card.

c. Applicants are required to fill in all fields for a residential address. On mailing address field if the same as the residential address, the applicant can click on the ‘Same as residential address’ checkbox and automatically the residential address will be copied to the mailing address.

d. If the applicant presses the YES button in the ‘Are you People with Disabilities (OKU) ‘, the applicant needs to choose the type of disability.

e. Press ‘Save and Continue’ when you have finished filling in the information.

3.2. Occupation

a. The job information display is displayed. If the applicant chooses a job:

i. Government

ii. Private

iii. Statutory body

iv. Self-employed

b. Applicants MUST fill in all fields displayed. The display can be referenced as below:

c. If the applicant chooses Employment as a Retiree, the applicant only required to fill in the fields:

i. Total gross income (Monthly)

ii. Period of work / study / residency in the Federal Territory

d. Refer to the picture below:

e. If the applicant chooses a job as a student, the applicant REQUIRED to fill in details such as:

i. The name of the place of study

ii. The address of the place of study

iii. Period of work / study / residency in the Federal Territory

f. Refer to the picture below:

g. If the applicant chooses the job as not working, the applicant no need to fill in job -related information.

h. Refer to the picture below:

i. Click ‘Save and Continue’ when you have completed the job information.

3.3. Couple

a. If the applicant fills in the marital status in personal details, the wedding tab will be displayed and the applicant MUST fill in the information couple.

b. Reminder if there is a * symbol in the profile field, you MUST fill in the information (MANDATORY). Although however, if the * sign is not displayed, you are allowed to clear that information if not applicable.

c. Refer to the picture below:

d. If the applicant chooses citizenship for the spouse is Citizens, a spouse’s identity card field will be displayed to be filled. However, if the applicant chooses not citizen, passport field will be displayed.

e. In the Current Residential Address section, if the spouse lives together, the applicant can directly click the ‘Address same as address’ checkbox applicants’ and the system will copy the address as filled in by previous applicant.

f. However, if the address is different, the applicant MUST fill in the address couple as requested.

3.4. Couples Work a. The job information display is displayed. If the Spouse chooses occupation:

i. Government

ii. Private

iii. Statutory body

iv. Self-employed

b. Applicants MUST fill in all fields displayed. Display can be referred to as below:

c. If the applicant chooses Spouse Employment as a Retiree, applicants are only required to fill in the fields:

i. Total gross income (Monthly)

ii. Period of work / study / residency in the Federal Territory

d. Refer to the picture below:

e. If the applicant chooses a spouse’s job as a student, the applicant is REQUIRED to fill in details such as:

i. The name of the place of study

ii. The address of the place of study

iii. Period of work / study / residency in the Federal Territory

f. Refer to the picture below:

g. If the applicant chooses the spouse’s job as unemployed, the applicant does not need to fill in job -related information. h. Refer to the picture below:

i. Click ‘Save and Continue’ when you have completed the job information couple.

3.5. Son

a. Applicants MUST fill in all fields for child information if choosing to have children on the personal application form.

b. Date of birth and age information will be generated automatically based on MYKID information.

c. If the applicant’s child is less than a year old, the system will display information LESS THAN 1 YEAR. But if more from a year, the system will display the age by year.

d. Refer to the picture below:

e. If the applicant has more than one child, the applicant can add child information by pressing the Add Child button in the upper right.

f. Refer to the picture below:

j. Fill in the information for the second child as applied to the child first. If the depressed applicant accidentally adds a child, the applicant can delete by pressing the delete button as is shown in the image below.

k. Repeat this step if the child is more than one. After done, press the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

3.6. Property Details

a. The applicant MUST confirm the details of the property. If the applicant choose no, no property detail information is displayed and the applicant can press the ‘Save and Continue’ button to continue the application.

b. Refer to the picture below.

c. However if the applicant selects YES in the property details, the applicant must select the type of residence and residential address. Refer to the picture below.

d. If the applicant has more than one residence, the applicant can press the Add button as pictured below.

e. If the applicant mistakenly presses the Add button, the applicant can delete the relevant information as shown in the picture in down. Upon completion, the applicant needs to press the ‘Save and’ button Proceed ‘.

3.7. Other information

a. Applicants are REQUIRED to fill in the status of occupied residence now as well as rental rates if renting/quarters.

b. If the applicant does not pay the rental rate, the applicant must enter a value of 0.00 or ignore the ‘If renting/quarters’ field state the monthly rent (RM) ‘.

c. Upon completion, the applicant will need to press the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

3.8. Validation

a. Once the applicant fills in all the required information, the display application confirmation will be displayed.

b. Applicants MUST read all the information filled. If no problem, the applicant needs to press the confirm checkbox the request made is correct.

c. Applicants will need to press the ‘Confirm’ button to complete the update profile.


a. Browse the Regional Residence Portal by entering the following URL address at web browser:

b. Click Login.

c. On the login page, users are required to enter the Identity Card number and Password that have been set during registration.

d. The user profile will be displayed. Click on the project menu or information has green text marked in red.

4.1. Project Filtering

a. Applicants can filter projects by entering a project name search, residency location and project status.

b. Applicants should press for any project of interest. Only ONE only applications can be made in each application.

4.2. Apply for a Project

a. Detailed information for the selected project will be displayed. Applicants need to read all the information related to the project before pressing project request button.

b. Applicants can also download the brochure by pressing the download button download the brochure as shown in the picture above.

c. If the applicant is really interested, then he can apply for the project by pressing the Apply This Project button.

d. Applicants can select the desired type of residential category. As for example, select Type B.

e. After pressing the residence option, the selection display will change to color green and only then can the applicant press the Apply For This Residence button.

f. Once the application is made, the status of the project applied for will change to incomplete and applicants need to upload documents prior to the process the application becomes complete.


a. Browse the Regional Residence Portal by entering the following URL address at web browser:

b. Click Login.

c. On the login page, users are required to enter the Card No. Identification and Password that have been set during registration.

d. On the Applicant Dashboard page, applicants can view projects that have been applied with an ‘Incomplete Application Status’ warning.

e. Under the application status, click the ‘Click here to upload’ link document. ‘You can also click on the’ Upload Document ‘link in the side menu.

f. Press ‘Choose File’ for any document in the list.

g. Select any file in a format other than jpeg, png, or pdf (example: file formatted .docx). Then, click the Save button.

h. On any document, click the ‘Show’ button.

i. On any document, click the ‘Download’ button if you want to download document or delete to delete it.

j. Re -upload the deleted file in step

4.7. Then, click on box ‘I confirm all documents uploaded are correct. I can be prosecuted and fined if the information provided is fake. And all my applications can be withdrawn or canceled. ‘ Next, click the Confirm button.

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