Residensi Wilayah

Residensi Wilayah

MESSAGE YB TUAN HAJI KHALID BIN ABD. SAMAD MINISTER OF FEDERAL TERRITORIES Ministry of Federal Territories (KWP) is very concerned about preparation a more comfortable affordable home to the citizens of the Federal Territory. The Ministry is committed towards building as many as 80,000 units of affordable housing in the Federal Territory to support Government intention in building as much one (1) million affordable homes within a period of 10 years from 2018 to 2028. The implementation of affordable housing belongs to the Wilayah Persekutuan has improved and rebranded as (Regional Residence/Residensi Wilayah) (RW). Provision of Regional Residency Policy provided for realisation National Housing Policy (DRN) for provide an affordable home that belongs adequate and affordable by citizens of the Federal Territory. This policy outlines general guidelines with some improvements for housing development planning affordable in the Federal Territory. Between improvements found in The Residensi Wilayah Policy of this Territory is expansive the minimum home is 900 square feet compared to 800 square feet previously and the determination of the density that can provide comfort to the residents with a maximum density of up to 1,000 people per acre. In addition, to guarantee the quality of construction of the Residensi Wilayah, the developer also need to get recognition QLASSIC. This policy can also resolve issues and challenges associated with aspects of construction, housing quality as well the challenge of providing affordable housing enough. Also, among the challenges another is the issue of deep developer attraction construction of affordable housing belonging to the Wilayah Persekutuan. To overcome challenges such, various incentives are offered to the developer to build a house affordable in the Federal Territory with attractive incentive offers without involving Government funds. Therefore, it is expected that the Policy This Regional Residence can provide clear direction to the agency executor under the Ministry, Department and support agencies as well as industry developers housing in housing development affordable in the Federal Territory. I hope through the Residency Policy This region, the Ministry intends to meet the current needs of the people in providing affordable housing which is comfortable, conducive and affordable can be realised in line with the motto “Wilayah Peduli, Harapan Dipenuhi" The State Cares, Hope Fulfilled.

Affordable Housing Policy Federal (Regional Residence/Residensi Wilayah) created as a direction as well as being basic guidance to all agencies Government and stakeholders in planning and developing affordable housing in the Federal Territory. The basic purpose of this is realized is to ensure the development aspect affordable housing housing belongs in The Federal Territory is uniform with standard set and specification so that housing price is affordable. This policy replacing the Rumah Mampu Milik Wilayah Persekutuan (RUMAWIP) NOT spell (RUMAHWIP or RUMAH WIP) which has enacted in 2013. The new policy of this Residensi Wilayah improved to ensure issues and challenges faced by developers local housing industry in implementation of home development affordable in the Federal Territory can be resolved. In addition, he can promote housing development affordable in the Federal Territory because the Residensi Wilayah is one housing programs in collaboration developers who do not involve any allocations or subsidies from the Government. Through this policy as well, planning and affordable housing construction mechanisms belonging can be exercised with more systematic with close cooperation between implementing agencies and industry players housing. This is to fulfill people's expectations to own a home affordable with that environment safe, healthy and comfortable.

Rumah Mampu Milik Wilayah Persekutuan (RUMAWIP) has been launched by the Ministry of Federal Territories (KWP) on April 8, 2013. Although however starting February 1, 2019, RUMAWIP has been rebranded as a Residensi Wilayah (RW) in accordance with the Government’s aspiration to provide and popularize affordable housing belonging to the citizens Federal Territory. Rechecking this policy is implemented following the Presentation of Improvement Resolutions RW program to the Honorable Minister of Region Federation which was held on March 11, 2019. In this regard, the Ministry Housing and Local Government (KPKT) as the leading housing agency the country has set targets Government to realize construction as many as one million affordable homes in nationwide within 10 years from July 2018 to 2028. Accordingly that is, this RW Policy will outline the direction direction as well as be the basis of guidance to all Government agencies and parties that interested in planning as well develop affordable housing in Federal Territory.

Rumah Mampu Milik Wilayah Persekutuan Policy Review in the Federal Territory is made for ensure issues and challenges within implementation of House development Affordable Ownership in the Federal Territory can identified and dismantled to meet buyer expectations among the citizens of the Wilayah Persekutuan. Some comparative studies has been implemented by the Ministry of Regions Federation to address a number of issues critical identified in development and the implementation of Affordable Housing in Federal Territory, which is the result of the study has been utilised for the purpose improvements in this policy review. Among the things that became the focus in this review is an improvement to the extent, species and characteristics house, construction quality, density rate population and sale price to ensure Residensi Wilayah meets that goal intended by the Government through the Policy National Housing (2018-2025) to generate sustainable, livable, quality habitat and inclusive and affordable by the people.

Definition of Residensi Wilayah
Residensi Wilayah refers to the (RUMAWIP) Rumah Mampu Milik Wilayah Persekutuan with the selling price does not exceed RM300,000 per unit and the size of the house is not less than 900 feet square with the tagline “Residensi Wilayah Residensiku”

Residensi Wilayah Specifications 
In general, the comfort of life in the house is important for every occupant house. RW characteristics are required so that each the house must contain at least 3 (three) bedrooms, 2 (two) bathrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, yard for laundry use and 1 (one) parking space covered car. Even so, the developers encouraged to provide specification which is better for the comfort of the RW owner.

RW needs to be provided with complete public facilities and social needs for creating a conducive livable environment. Public facilities as a condition provision to developers subject to the consideration of the One Stop Service Center (OSC) is as follows: 
Table 1: List of Public Facilities 
Facilities that MUST be provided: 
1. Surau / prayer room 
2. Multipurpose hall / meeting room 
3. Management office 
4. Taska 
5. Kindergarten 
6. Community shops / stalls 
7. Islamic mortuary management room 
8. Dobi 
9. Library / reading room 
10. Computer room / indoor games room 
11. JMB/MC Management Room 

Additional basic facilities that are recommended are provided: 
12. Swimming pool 
13. Gymnasium *Size and area are subject to the discretion of the OSC and the facilities provided should be handed over to Joint Management Body (JMB) to generate additional sources of income.

Table 2: List of Specifications

Frame - Concrete 
Walls - Concrete Bricks (clay, sand & concrete)
Floor - Reinforced Concrete 
Roof Frame - Steel Reinforced Concrete
Roofing - Concrete Flat Roof Concrete Tiles Steel Deck

Aesthetics Element 
Window Projection (Facade) - (minimum 300mm above window)
A/C Ledge - Need to be prepared & MUST NOT be in the built up area of ​​the RW unit

Floor Package
Lift Lobby - Homogeneous Tiles
Living Room - Ceramic Tiles
Dining Area - Ceramic Tiles
Hallway - Ceramic Tiles
Bedroom - Ceramic Tiles
Balcony - Ceramic Tiles
Corridor (outside) - Ceramic Tiles
Yard - Non Slip Ceramic Tiles
Kitchen - Non Slip Ceramic Tiles
Bathroom / Toilet - Non Slip Ceramic Tiles
Stairs - Cement
Parking Lot - Cement

Other Package
Window - Aluminium Casement
Main Entrance - Solid Wood Door
Room -  Flat Plywood Door
Bathroom - Waterproof Door
Balcony - Aluminium Sliding Doors
Door Frame - Steel
Ceiling - Cement and Skim Coat & Asbestos Ceiling Tiles (Top floor / room shower / toilet)

Bathroom/Toilet - Ceramic tile as high as 2.1m up to the ceiling
Kitchen - Ceramic tiles as high as 1.5m  (remaining part plastered and painted)
Outer Wall - Cement and Painted (weatherproof paint)
* Use of building materials other than those specified for the purpose of the ‘feature wall’ needs to be approved by the local authority.

Sanitary Equipment 
Main and Second Bathroom - Toilet bowl (sitting type), Basins and Faucets, Shower Head Pipe(bid tap)
Kitchen - Bid Tap & Kitchen Sink
Yard - Bid Tap

Electric Power Source
13 Lighting Point
20 13A Switch Socket Outlet
2 15A Switch Socket Outlet
4 Fan Point
1 Water Heater Point
2 A/C Point
1 SMATV Point
1 Telephone Point
1 Door Bell Point
* The actual amount of power source depends on the design of the home unit. 
* The location of the power source should be in accordance with the proposed arrangement of furniture. 
*This type of wiring is single phase electrical wiring.

In order to comply with the quality of construction building, all RW Projects are mandatory obtained QLASSIC recognition (CIS 7: 2006/ updated version) as well as the Certificate Standard Compliance (Building Materials) from CIDB Malaysia.

Application Eligibility Requirements for Residensi Wilayah Application is as follows: 
• Applicants must be Malaysian citizens be at least 21 years old when the application is made; 
• Gross household income (includes allowances and commissions) RM10,000 and below per month for individual applicants (single/ unmarried) while for family applicant (husband and wife) RM15,000 or less per month; 
• Only one application is allowed for one household family (husband and wife); 
• Priority is given to the applicant who was born or worked or resident in the Federal Territory when the application is made; 
• The household applicant does not own any residence in the Federal Territory however so, the applicant (husband/wife) who has have a home in the Federal Territory through inheritance/will or grant allowed to apply; 
• Applicant (husband/wife) who already owns low cost house for ten (10) years and above can apply with conditions of submitting proof to sell existing low -cost homes; 
• Residensi Wilayah purchased by the applicant cannot sold within 10 years from the date purchase except to the next of kin (spouse or children) refers to the Moratorium Guidelines; 
• Buyers are not allowed to rent home to non-citizens Malaysia; 
• The applicant is not declared bankrupt; 
• Register and apply through the Residensi Wilayah Portal, 
• Offer will be canceled if available the applicant submits the documents fake. Applicants are allowed to place second nominee in the Sale and Purchase Agreement and Housing Loan Agreements. Nominee the second is limited to spouses (husband/wife) or related family members blood (womb) only refers to mother/father/siblings/children and Malaysian citizen status. Combination income of the applicant and the second nominee shall not exceed RM15,000 per month. The second nominee must also not already have residence of Residensi Wilayah
* Minimum of 50% of Bumiputera Quota
* Minimum of 1% reservation for OKU

Stakeholder Rights Auction case by a Financial Institution in the moratorium period is as follows: The Residensi Wilayah policy does not restrict any rights financial institutions to enforce sale of RW auction units to buyers new; and new buyers must adhere to the balance moratorium period of 10 years from the date The first Sale and Purchase Agreement is signed between buyer and developer. The developer must be responsible to ensure that there is no form collection of money received from the applicant including the collection of commitment fees before signing the sale agreement buy and have to comply with the Rules Housing Development (Control And Licensing) 1989 and regulations under the Act 118, Housing Development Act (Control And Licensing) 1966. Collection of deposits by the developer for the purpose renovation after handing over of keys shall not exceeding RM1,500 and charged to homeowners only. Deposit must be refunded in full in the absence of any violation agreed terms.

The implementation of this program will not give any financial implications to Government because all costs are borne entirely by housing developers through cross -subsidy method.


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